Why ArcRisk?
The main purpose of the project was to investigate if climate change in the form of increased temperature would affect the transport of contaminants to the Arctic.
For everyone and everything
ArcRisk is an international EU funded research activity that is looking at the linkages between environmental contaminants, climate change and human health.
To explore how global climate change
The Arctic is particularly sensitive to climate change and already exhibits clear impacts.
Emissions & Pathways
How can we limit environmental contaminant? Which are the most important pathways?
Occurence and Fate
How are the studies done? Measurements have been conducted in e.g. snow and biotic samples as well as in the marine enviornment.
Human Exposure & Effects
How much pollutant one is exposed to, depend on factors such as - where we live and our habits. So how are the human in Arctic exposed?
What can we do?
When we know what climate change affect means for Arctic, we can prepare strategies for adaptation, and for the prevention of adverse health outcomes, related to climate-mediated changes.