Library - references
Here you find the references for the ArcRisk result website.
Carrizo D, Gustafsson Ö., 2011
Pan-Arctic River Fluxes of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Carlsson, P.; Herzke, D.; Kallenborn, R
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFASs) in traditional sea-food items from western Greenland
Carlsson, P.; Herzke, D.; Kallenborn, R
Enantiomer selective and quantitative trace analysis of selected persistent organic pollutants (POP) in traditional food from western Greenland
Carlsson P, Cornelissen G, Boggild CE, Rysgaard S, Mortensen J, Kallenborn R (2012)
Hydrology-linked spatial distribution of pesticides in a fjord system in Greenland
BSEF, Bromine Science and Environmental Forum, 2013
Breivik, K., Sweetman, A., Pacyna, J.M., and Jones, K.C. 2007
Towards a global historical emission inventory for selected PCB congeners – a mass balance approach. 3. An update.
Breivik K, Czub G, McLachlan MS, Wania F. 2010
Towards an understanding of the link between environmental emissions and human body burdens of PCBs using CoZMoMAN
Armitage JM, Quinn CL, Wania F. 2011
Global climate change and contaminants -an overview of opportunities and priorities for modelling the potential implications for long-term human exposure to organic compounds in the Arctic.
Bignert A, Olsson M, Persson W, Jensen S, Zakrisson S, Litzén K, et al. 1998
Temporal trends of organochlorines in Northern Europe, 1967–1995